Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Well well well...

I posted that kind question above and immediately I heard banging at my hermitage... vandals desecrated a second icon of Mary outside. This is routine at this point -lots of superglue on my statues and icons... regardless of religion, we should all respect other's religious beliefs. This one this morning made me sad -Our Lady of Perpetual Help -the patron of 'Those Who Lost Their Way' -I had a special prayer request on the back which was stolen and this ripped and thrown to the ground. I thought with the golf course behind me such things wouldn't happen. I guess its time to let the hermitage rest for a season and go out to mission (nanny) life -if I could get messages. :) Jesus we trust in You. +++

This one is shattered -I remember problems at Notre Dame with people hating Our Lady. I came home crying about something mean professors did to me in a class and Johnny got so mad and said, 'Who's been 'dissin on my Mama!?' meaning Mary... I laughed because it was a rare occasion his ethnicity came out... anyway... maybe it means that I haven't lost my way. Just waiting for the answer to be as Jesus asked... 

At least the angels (blue light) stay by my Jesus. +

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