Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Episode 101: Mary Kloska Speaks About Being the Seed that Dies (to Bear Fruit)

 Here's my podcast this week...

"Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat... but if it dies, it bears much fruit." Jn 12:24
Title: Episode 101: Mary Kloska Speaks About Being the Seed that Dies (to Bear Fruit)
Description: In this episode, Mary Kloska speaks about Christ's words 'Unless the grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat -but if it dies it bears great fruit...' Sometimes in life we feel as if our life is surrounded by death -loneliness, darkness, emptiness -but these are times where God is allowing a 'death' of sorts in order to prepare us for gifts greater than we can imagine. In this episode Mary shares the idea of being a flower God brings forth in the desert -and she shares a children's book about a seed that was afraid to be planted, but was overjoyed when it saw the great fruit that came from this little 'death.' This podcast offers hope to all who find the little deaths of this life difficult.
Podcast addict
Google podcasts
Iheart radio

Two New Icons

 In February I was introduced to a wonderful priest who is big part of the International Commission of Navy Chaplains -and at the end of March he commissioned me to paint two icons which I was able (in God's Mercy) able to complete today.

The First (on the left) is Our Lady, Star on the Sea of Christ's Mercy -She is the lifeboat offered to those stuck in storms, simply by holding out the Mercy of Her Son to them.
The Second (on the right) is Our Lady knitting in prayer as the Holy Spirit knits Jesus together within Her Womb through Her Fiat.
I hope to make copies of these available on my Artist Shop page very soon. And they will be included in my new book "House of Gold" which we hope to publish for the Feast of Our Lady's Visitation on May 31st. Our Lady, Mystic Rose and Star of the Sea, Pray for us!!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Episode 100: Mary Kloska Speaks about the Resurrection of Jesus

Here's my new podcast this week -Don't forget that we are still celebrating EASTER!! How appropriate that my GOLDEN PROGRAM (yes, somehow I have managed to do 100 podcasts already about the interior life) is all about the Resurrection. Take a listen and be inspired. You can watch this program on YouTube or catch it on any podcast syndication that you prefer...

Title: Episode 100: Mary Kloska Speaks about the Resurrection of Jesus
Description: In this episode, Mary leads the listener through a meditation on the various Gospel accounts of the Resurrection of Jesus. As the Easter Season stretches out over 50 days, she encourages the listener to dive deep into the mysteries and graces offered to us in this holy season.
Podcast addict
Google podcasts
Iheart radio

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Mother's Day from Pakistan

 God truly unites us all as one family in Jesus Christ!