'You have to have a gift to be a gift.' [2]
(See below for footnote)
In order for one to live a life of virtue -you have to have (and develop) the gifts that God gives you and be allowed (at least interiorly) to freely give them to others. The only thing that a person cannot do for you is an act of virtue, gift or love. God Himself cannot love for you. You have to be free to love.
I still have that whole book from years ago on womanhood (from the retreats I gave -most of my people remember the Heart of Mary prayer group we had at Notre Dame, the English retreat at our house or the Polish one in Babliniec -or the Russian ones in Kansk/Krasnoyarsk.) Anyone want to help me publish it (even anonymously) please contact me. Its based on my thesis senior year at Notre Dame with McInerny. When we live what God created us to be properly the world is a holy place. Its a synthesis of a bunch of holy people's thoughts.
As Fulton Sheen said: “The more a woman is holy,
[1] Sheen,
Fulton J. The World’s First Love, Mary
the Mother of God, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1952) pp 83
2 “The Catholic Woman, Volume 3 –Wetherfield Institute Proceedings,” (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990) pp. 18.