Monday, May 10, 2021

'In Our Lady's Shadow: the Spirituality of Praying for Priests' for Persecuted Christians

 One year ago four seminarians in Sokoto, Nigeria were kidnapped by a band of 45 Muslims. One of them -a courageous saint named Michael -refused to stop preaching the Gospel to his captors and thus they killed him. The murderer, Mustapha Mohammed, arrested by the police, confessed to the crime, claiming that the young seminarian "continued to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ" to his kidnappers. According to Muhammad, they had killed Michael because he kept asking them to repent and change their lives, letting go of their evil attitudes. He said that what bothered them the most was that although Michael knew they were Muslims, he kept insisting that they had to repent and abandon their way of life. This is daily life for priests and seminarians in the Middle East and North Africa.

My new book, "In Our Lady's Shadow: the Spirituality of Praying for Priests," is a book that explores Our Lady's Relationship with Jesus, the Eternal High Priest and how we can enter into that in our prayer for priests. This book would be a great benefit for the priests and seminarians in countries where their lives are daily at risk. It guides these men deep into the relationship Jesus had with His Mother and invites them to enter into that with Her as well -thus strengthening them for their difficult mission of preaching the Gospel while putting their lives daily at risk.
This book would also greatly benefit the religious sisters and lay catechists who daily pray for their priests and the difficult work that they embrace. In Pakistan little prayer groups surrounding this book have already been formed, and they are simply waiting for us to find the funds to print these books (already translated into Urdu).
It is incredible to hear how one little book can totally change a person's life. Yet is is happening because of your generosity every single day.
We would like to print 1000 copies of this book for Pakistan and at least 500 to be given away for free in Nigeria (including to the seminary where Michael attended). PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION TO OUR GOFUNDME to help print these books! If each one of you gave $10, we could do so, so much!
Spiritual food is of greater importance than even physical food. Thank you so much for feeding these suffering souls the truth and encouragement that only comes from a life lived in union with Jesus and Mary!


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