Wednesday, May 26, 2021

An Interview on My New Book, "A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: Reflections of a Siberian Missionary"

If you are interested in my most recent book, "A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: Reflections of a Siberian Missionary" -here's an interview I did about it on Sunday with Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson (an author herself and Professor and Dean at Holy Apostles Seminary). If spiritual warfare can gauge how meaningful something is to the Lord, this one gets 5-stars. My book kept disappearing from the computer, it wouldn't allow us to record for 35 minutes and after we did the recordings kept disappearing -only a large miracle (maybe St. Anthony?) caused it all to reappear last night in the right place so that we didn't have to re-do it.
Please be patient -the interview starts at 1 minute 20 seconds -before that is a little jabber and commercials. Thank you!

To purchase your own copy of the book, see Amazon or the link here:


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