Wednesday, June 7, 2017

We Used to do Really Cool Things... Aunt Mary's 'Lenten Hermit Party' for the kids... a blast from the past.

I remembered this when I read a recent Franciscan newsletter about how the Friars have their own little 'club' of sorts for young people discerning. They receive a shirt with hood and make promises to pray and do other things and come to meetings... its like a little offshoot of their own life. I remembered how I always tried to do that -especially with my nieces and nephews, but also with others -both in my life as a missionary and as a hermit. I remember some of the kids saying someday they'd join my religious order of 'missionary hermits' -and we'd call ourselves 'the Kloskans'... oh how I miss those days. Here are some pictures from one retreat I did for the kids years ago -we prayed, journaled, painted icons, ate simple (bread and water if I remember right)... it was awesome. Maybe if I can get out and back together as before we can do it again for the next generation. The younger you plant seeds, the harder it is for evil to yank the fruit out later. Sweet Jesus, we trust in You. +

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