Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Project for Afghanistan


My people on the ground in the Middle East are working on getting my books translated into Dari (a Persian Dialect spoken in Afghanistan) and smuggled to the persecuted and suffering Christians (and women) in the country. This project needs lots of prayer for swift translations, protection, fruitfulness and for donations to have them printed somewhere and transported to those who need it the most. Please take a second and read this article -these books are needed for healing and strength in Afghanistan more than ever right now. And please keep this in your prayers and consider a donation once the time comes to get them printed. Any donations I receive for books right now will be saved for this project.

These books have totally transformed the lives of people in Pakistan. They just celebrated Independence Day with a book launching ceremony of my fourth book -I will include pictures in a separate post -but one person said that even if they were celebrating Independence Day, Christians were not independent yet -yet 'Mary Kloska's books are finally giving us true freedom'. That freedom is what comes in the teachings of Christ and His Catholic Church -especially about the dignity of women, of all human people. We can give the same hope and healing to Afghanistan now, with your prayer and help.

St. John Paul II, St. Edith Stein, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, St. Miriam the little Arab, St. Charles de Foucauld, pray for us.

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