Monday, April 26, 2021

Persecuted Christians...

 If your interested in helping persecuted Christians (or even just wondering what life is like for them) I finally gathered together all of the testimonials from emails, texts, etc., sent to me from Nigeria and Pakistan and put them together (with tons of pictures) in one place on my website.

This was so much work.
I don't know how I ever figured out how to do things like making websites and organizing international business deals with translations, promotion, printing and distributing my books (so often for free) in places of the world I know nothing about. If nothing else, it shows the power of what God's grace and love can do through a really little heart...
Check this out (just to make me feel better about all of my work today)! 🙂 I haven't gotten it translated into the 12 other languages on the page yet... that's for this week!

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