I could much more easily live without food than live without the Mass... here's why.
My podcast this week is in response to a special request from
Adah Johnzion
's Whatsup group of priests, religious, seminarians and lay faithful in Nigeria. I am so happy to spend this hour with them... and with you... explaining the secret of all I do and who I am (that secret being the power, the grace, the love, the direction I receive from Jesus' Eucharistic Heart in daily Mass.)Title: Episode 56: Mary Kloska Speaks about Living the Mass
Description: In this episode, Mary discusses with the listener the absolute centrality of the Mass in her own vocation and life. She also takes the listener through a prayerful meditation on how she prays each of the different parts of the Mass, offering suggestions as to how they can go deeper in their own prayer during Mass. At the end she encourages them to make living the Mass the source and the summit of all that they do and all who they are.
Podcast addict
Google podcasts
Iheart radio
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