Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Episode 112: Mary Kloska Speaks About Mission Work in the Middle East

 Here's my podcast this week! I am sorry I didn't get it posted until tonight. PLEASE listen and share -PLEASE PRAY for our work in the Middle East -and PLEASE, in your mercy, consider making a donation for the printing and distribution of books in Afghanistan. Thank you!!

Title: Episode 112: Mary Kloska Speaks About Mission Work in the Middle East
Description: In this episode, Mary Kloska tells her listeners about the incredible mission work being done in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This work was begun by the little seeds of her books being published and distributed among faithful Catholics in these countries, and yet it has taken on a missionary dimension even among non-Catholic Christians and Muslims, Hindus, etc., through the Holy Spirit forming missionaries among those being persecuted for their Catholic faith. She describes the great present needs of prayers and funding to continue and expand mission endeavors in Afghanistan. And she briefly tells of some saints connected to the Middle East and several of who suffered at the hands of Muslims who we ask to intercede from heaven in this work.

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