Sunday, April 3, 2022

Episode 97: Mary Kloska Speaks About 'Memoir of Grace' and the Fiat Foundation

 God is STILL doing great miracles in the world -just like you read about in the lives of the saints. Some of those miracles are in Pakistan... listen to my podcast this week to hear about His incredible work and love! And my new FIAT FOUNDATION (a 501 (c)3 ) where you can contribute to help in this work!!

Title: Episode 97: Mary Kloska Speaks About 'Memoir of Grace' and the Fiat Foundation
Description: In this episode, Mary talks about the book 'Memoir of Grace' written by her translator Aqif Shaszad in Pakistan. This book chronicles the incredible miracles that God is doing right now through Aqif and others using Mary's books among the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. She also touches upon her newly formed non-for-profit Foundation called the 'Fiat Foundation' -which will be a new channel of grace to process donations for her work in the Middle East, Africa, Central America and beyond.

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