Sunday, January 16, 2022

Episode 87: Mary Kloska Speaks About God Speaking Through Scripture at Mass

 My podcast this week is all about listening to how God speaks to us daily through Scripture and the Mass. Please listen, like and share it with others -there are so many graces that the Lord wants to pour out on souls in the Mass if we just have hearts open and receptive to take it all in.

Title: Episode 87: Mary Kloska Speaks About God Speaking Through Scripture at Mass
Description: In this episode, Mary Kloska explains how God speaks daily to us at Mass through the Scriptures we read and His Eucharistic Heart which we receive. She explains in general how God speaks and how we should listen, as well as the effects of His word in our lives. She then gives a concrete example by explaining how God speaks to each heart through this Sunday's Gospel Readings -January 16, 2022. She inspires the listener to have new ears to hear His voice through what seems to some as ordinary.
Podcast addict
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