Sunday, November 1, 2020

Episode 31: Mary Kloska Speaks on The Gift of Being a Failure

 Do you feel like everything in life you touch fails?

God entrusts something big to you and suddenly it falls apart?
For no apparent reason a close friend shuns you?
Maybe your children who you formed in the faith left the Church?
What about a healing that you prayed for for years and the person continues to be ill or their heart is just plain hard and closed to grace?

You are not alone.
A sign of true greatness in the lives of the saints was being a failure.
The Cross looked like the greatest failure of all time. Jesus came as the Savior of the world and they totally rejected Him and killed Him on the Cross.

And saints weren't saints because they succeeded at everything or were superheros. Mother Teresa used to say, 'God doesn't ask us to be successful, but to be faithful.'
Often those saints who we count as the greatest, in their own estimation failed at what they truly felt God calling them to do, to be -for Him.

What God asks of us is to give Him everything and to live heroic TRUST that He can take our little efforts and weave a beautiful tapestry from the shreds of our lives that glorifies God.

My podcast this week is about THE GIFT OF BEING A FAILURE. It is a gift because it makes us humble and it makes us more like our Crucified King. Please LISTEN TO THIS this week and PLEASE SHARE IT.

Title: Mary Kloska Speaks on The Gift of Being a Failure

Description: In this episode, Mary speaks about the reality of being a failure even in the spiritual life and how this can be a gift allowed by God in order to help the soul grow in humility and bear even greater fruit. Mary reflects on St. Paul's words, 'I boast in my weakness' and 'God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, the weak of the world to shame the strong.' She looks to the examples of many saints who in many exterior ways seemed to 'fail' at what they were trying to accomplish for God on earth -but whose virtue was sharpened by the experience. And she shows how God made all work out to bear great fruit in the end -even if it was sometimes after their death. The greatest example she turns to is Jesus Himself on the Cross -Who appears to have failed in His Mission as He hung bleeding on Calvary. And yet, it was through what some see as His greatest human failure (allowing Himself to be crucified) that He was able to save all souls from hell and open up for us an eternity of joy with Him in Heaven. She encourages the listener to simply be faithful to what God has asked of them in life with true faith, trust, and hope -while leaving the results of one's work in the hands of God.


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