Wednesday, March 9, 2022

God gives Life. Life is Hope. Hope is Light!

 In the midst of the darkness of this world, God is continually giving LIFE. And His LIFE is a sign of HOPE. And that HOPE is our LIGHT.

This winter my plants in dormancy have born incredible fruit -my rose bush tree bore 33 roses and my Rose of Sharron is right now blooming regardless of the fact that they received no water and absolutely NO SUNLIGHT in my dark closet. This is proof that LIFE IS FROM GOD and He bears where He wills -sometimes in the most unlikely places.
I had to do my Patreon Reflections for this Second Sunday of Lent a few days early as I head towards Chicago to work for the next week. I'll be working day/night so I won't have a chance to record anything for you. But we could all use some LIGHT a little early, I suppose. Please, take a listen and if you appreciate the work that I do absolutely free for everyone, please consider joining our Patreon family and becoming a monthly donor. It is a HUGE HELP to know I can count on a set number of donations each month. And please, pray for us!!! Thank you.

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