Wednesday, June 6, 2018

My favorite statue of Mary....

I don't know what Mary it is (the devotion by name), but it is the one at St. Vincent's in Elkhart.

When I was at Notre Dame (many a moons ago -June, 1997 to be exact) I went to St. V's for Mass with Molly McCarthy one Wednesday evening and we were too late. Fr. Jamie gave us a communion service and after when we prayed Our Lady seemed to come out of this statue and exchange hearts with me... a 'false perception' some would say, but it changed my life forever. I had experienced similar things with our Lady since early childhood when our family began praying the family rosary and visiting Medjugorje, but something that night was a promise. I later wrote:  "After (he gave us communion) I went and prayed in front of Mary.  I told her that I reneged, that I couldn’t handle all of these crosses –Bam! Bam! Bam!  I needed a little breather/ break of sustaining faith.  I begged Her Motherly Heart for peace and joy.  All of a sudden (similar to 6-15 experience) Mamma Mary told me to lift up my wounded heart and to place it at her feet.  I said that I couldn’t, it was too heavy and She reached down to take it from me and offered, again, Her golden-white, soft, warm heart.  Her tears bathed me and begged Jesus for mercy and grace.  She was the pure white Mary with the blue rosary (around her waist).  She filled me with peace and joy."

Jesus said something like, "In your wounded heart I place the sword and protection of My Fiery Love drowning you in My Mercy of blood and the grace of My Mother’s tears..." And He went on to teach me...

Now, many years later, I still attend Mass at St. V's on Wednesdays (like today) and She still is faithful to Her promise of keeping my heart one with Her Son's. These statues don't do justice to the one at St. V's (these are internet copies), someday I'll get a good picture of it. Unfortunately a robber broke into my hermitage months ago and put super-glue in my nice camera (not cool), so I'm praying for Providence to help with that soon too.

She is such a sweet Mother... Very soon I will teach you about the power of Our Mother's tears (and ours when we unite them with Hers)...

Tears are pearls of grace -just remember that!

If anyone can get me a copy of this statue (or a good picture from St. V's) I would be really really thankful. She is beautiful in that dress...

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